Saturday, May 4, 2024
HomeNEW IN TOWNBRTA to provide personalized number plates

BRTA to provide personalized number plates

A regular registration sets a car buyer back Tk 98,000, the number of which are automatically generated in a sequential manner. The prices of these new personalized number plates vary according to the uniqueness of the combination. If anyone wants to get a 77-7777 plate, for example, the registration fee could be as high as seven times the usual amount. This is, however, the most extreme example, there are other combinations which will be sold at a cheaper price. This opportunity is only available for the owners of car or four-wheelers—no such plans for bikes as of yet.This was a move taken by government officials to earn extra revenue from registration. The record for the most expensive number plate in the world sits at an equivalent of $14.3 million. The Abu Dhabi license plate is labelled ‘1’ and is considered to be the most desirable among the Abu Dhabi elites.

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